Source code for pytket.extensions.qulacs.qulacs_convert

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"""Conversion from to tket circuits to Qulacs circuits
import numpy as np
from qulacs import QuantumCircuit, gate
from pytket.circuit import Circuit, OpType
from pytket.passes import FlattenRegisters

    OpType.X: gate.X,
    OpType.Y: gate.Y,
    OpType.Z: gate.Z,
    OpType.H: gate.H,
    OpType.S: gate.S,
    OpType.Sdg: gate.Sdag,
    OpType.T: gate.T,
    OpType.Tdg: gate.Tdag,

_ONE_QUBIT_ROTATIONS = {OpType.Rx: gate.RX, OpType.Ry: gate.RY, OpType.Rz: gate.RZ}

_MEASURE_GATES = {OpType.Measure: gate.Measurement}

_TWO_QUBIT_GATES = {OpType.CX: gate.CNOT, OpType.CZ: gate.CZ, OpType.SWAP: gate.SWAP}

_IBM_GATES = {OpType.U1: gate.U1, OpType.U2: gate.U2, OpType.U3: gate.U3}

[docs] def tk_to_qulacs( circuit: Circuit, reverse_index: bool = False, replace_implicit_swaps: bool = False ) -> QuantumCircuit: """Convert a pytket circuit to a qulacs circuit object.""" circ = circuit.copy() if not circ.is_simple: FlattenRegisters().apply(circ) if replace_implicit_swaps: circ.replace_implicit_wire_swaps() n_qubits = circ.n_qubits qulacs_circ = QuantumCircuit(circ.n_qubits) index_map = { i: (i if not reverse_index else n_qubits - 1 - i) for i in range(n_qubits) } for com in circ: optype = com.op.type if optype in _IBM_GATES: qulacs_gate = _IBM_GATES[optype] index = index_map[com.qubits[0].index[0]] if optype == OpType.U1: param = com.op.params[0] add_gate = qulacs_gate(index, param * np.pi) # type: ignore elif optype == OpType.U2: param0, param1 = com.op.params add_gate = qulacs_gate(index, param0 * np.pi, param1 * np.pi) # type: ignore elif optype == OpType.U3: param0, param1, param2 = com.op.params add_gate = qulacs_gate( # type: ignore index, param0 * np.pi, param1 * np.pi, param2 * np.pi ) elif optype in _ONE_QUBIT_GATES: qulacs_gate = _ONE_QUBIT_GATES[optype] index = index_map[com.qubits[0].index[0]] add_gate = qulacs_gate(index) elif optype in _ONE_QUBIT_ROTATIONS: qulacs_gate = _ONE_QUBIT_ROTATIONS[optype] index = index_map[com.qubits[0].index[0]] param = com.op.params[0] * np.pi add_gate = qulacs_gate(index, -param) # parameter negated for qulacs elif optype in _TWO_QUBIT_GATES: qulacs_gate = _TWO_QUBIT_GATES[optype] id1 = index_map[com.qubits[0].index[0]] id2 = index_map[com.qubits[1].index[0]] add_gate = qulacs_gate(id1, id2) elif optype in _MEASURE_GATES: continue # gate = _MEASURE_GATES[optype] # qubit = com.qubits[0].index[0] # bit = com.bits[0].index[0] # add_gate = (gate(qubit, bit)) elif optype == OpType.Barrier: continue else: raise NotImplementedError( "Gate: {} Not Implemented in Qulacs!".format(optype) ) qulacs_circ.add_gate(add_gate) return qulacs_circ