# Copyright 2020-2024 Quantinuum
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Functions used to submit jobs with Quantinuum API.
import asyncio
import contextlib
import getpass
import json
import time
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import Optional
import nest_asyncio # type: ignore
from requests import Session
from requests.models import Response
from websockets import connect, exceptions
from .config import QuantinuumConfig
from .credential_storage import CredentialStorage, MemoryCredentialStorage
from .federated_login import microsoft_login
# This is necessary for use in Jupyter notebooks to allow for nested asyncio loops
# May fail in some cloud environments: ignore.
with contextlib.suppress(RuntimeError, ValueError):
class QuantinuumAPIError(Exception):
class _OverrideManager:
def __init__(
api_handler: "QuantinuumAPI",
timeout: Optional[int] = None,
retry_timeout: Optional[int] = None,
self._timeout = timeout
self._retry = retry_timeout
self.api_handler = api_handler
self._orig_timeout = api_handler.timeout
self._orig_retry = api_handler.retry_timeout
def __enter__(self) -> None:
if self._timeout is not None:
self.api_handler.timeout = self._timeout
if self._retry is not None:
self.api_handler.retry_timeout = self._retry
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None: # type: ignore
self.api_handler.timeout = self._orig_timeout
self.api_handler.retry_timeout = self._orig_retry
class QuantinuumAPI:
Interface to the Quantinuum online remote API.
JOB_DONE = ["failed", "completed", "canceled"]
DEFAULT_API_URL = "https://qapi.quantinuum.com/"
AZURE_PROVIDER = "microsoft"
# Quantinuum API error codes
# mfa verification code is required during login
def __init__(
token_store: Optional[CredentialStorage] = None,
api_url: Optional[str] = None,
api_version: int = 1,
use_websocket: bool = True,
provider: Optional[str] = None,
support_mfa: bool = True,
session: Optional[Session] = None,
__user_name: Optional[str] = None,
__pwd: Optional[str] = None,
"""Initialize Quantinuum API client.
:param token_store: JWT Token store, defaults to None
A new MemoryCredentialStorage will be initialised
if None is provided.
:param api_url: _description_, defaults to DEFAULT_API_URL
:param api_version: API version, defaults to 1
:param use_websocket: Whether to use websocket to retrieve, defaults to True
:param support_mfa: Whether to wait for the user to input the auth code,
defaults to True
:param session: Session for HTTP requests, defaults to None
A new requests.Session will be initialised if None
is provided
self.online = True
self.url = f"{api_url if api_url else self.DEFAULT_API_URL}v{api_version}/"
if session is None:
self.session = Session()
self.session = session
self._cred_store: CredentialStorage
if token_store is None:
self._cred_store = MemoryCredentialStorage()
self._cred_store = token_store
# if __user_name is None and MemoryCredentialStorage is used
# and there is a cached username in the config file,
# load that username into memory
if __user_name is None and isinstance(
self._cred_store, MemoryCredentialStorage
config = QuantinuumConfig.from_default_config_file()
if config.username is not None:
elif __user_name is not None:
# username will be cached if persistent storage is used,
# otherwise it will be stored in memory
if __pwd is not None and isinstance(self._cred_store, MemoryCredentialStorage):
self._cred_store._password = __pwd
self.api_version = api_version
self.use_websocket = use_websocket
self.provider = provider
self.support_mfa = support_mfa
self.ws_timeout = 180
self.retry_timeout = 5
self.timeout: Optional[int] = None # don't timeout by default
def override_timeouts(
self, timeout: Optional[int] = None, retry_timeout: Optional[int] = None
) -> _OverrideManager:
return _OverrideManager(self, timeout=timeout, retry_timeout=retry_timeout)
def _request_tokens(self, user: str, pwd: str) -> None:
"""Method to send login request to machine api and save tokens."""
body = {"email": user, "password": pwd}
# send request to login
response = self.session.post(
# handle mfa verification
if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED:
error_code = response.json()["error"]["code"]
if error_code == self.ERROR_CODE_MFA_REQUIRED:
if not self.support_mfa:
raise QuantinuumAPIError(
"This API instance does not support MFA login."
# get a mfa code from user input
mfa_code = input("Enter your MFA verification code: ")
body["code"] = mfa_code
# resend request to login
response = self.session.post(
self._response_check(response, "Login")
resp_dict = response.json()
resp_dict["id-token"], resp_dict["refresh-token"]
del user
del pwd
del body
def _request_tokens_federated(self) -> None:
"""Method to perform federated login and save tokens."""
if self.provider is not None and self.provider.lower() == self.AZURE_PROVIDER:
_, token = microsoft_login()
raise RuntimeError(
"Unsupported provider for login", HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
body = {"provider-token": token}
response = self.session.post(
self._response_check(response, "Login")
resp_dict = response.json()
resp_dict["id-token"], resp_dict["refresh-token"]
del body
def _refresh_id_token(self, refresh_token: str) -> None:
"""Method to refresh ID token using a refresh token."""
body = {"refresh-token": refresh_token}
# send request to login
response = self.session.post(
message = response.json()
if (
response.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
and message is not None
and "Invalid Refresh Token" in message["error"]["text"]
# ask user for credentials to login again
self._response_check(response, "Token Refresh")
message["id-token"], message["refresh-token"]
del refresh_token
del body
def _get_credentials(self) -> tuple[str, str]:
"""Method to ask for user's credentials"""
user_name = self._cred_store.user_name
pwd = None
if isinstance(self._cred_store, MemoryCredentialStorage):
pwd = self._cred_store._password
if not user_name:
user_name = input("Enter your Quantinuum email: ")
if not pwd:
pwd = getpass.getpass(prompt="Enter your Quantinuum password: ")
return user_name, pwd
def full_login(self) -> None:
"""Ask for user credentials from std input and update JWT tokens"""
if self.provider is None:
def login(self) -> str:
"""This methods checks if we have a valid (non-expired) id-token
and returns it, otherwise it gets a new one with refresh-token.
If refresh-token doesn't exist, it asks user for credentials.
:return: (str) login token
# check if refresh_token exists
refresh_token = self._cred_store.refresh_token
if refresh_token is None:
refresh_token = self._cred_store.refresh_token
if refresh_token is None:
raise QuantinuumAPIError(
"Unable to retrieve refresh token or authenticate."
# check if id_token exists
id_token = self._cred_store.id_token
if id_token is None:
id_token = self._cred_store.id_token
if id_token is None:
raise QuantinuumAPIError("Unable to retrieve id token or refresh or login.")
return id_token
def delete_authentication(self) -> None:
"""Remove stored credentials and tokens"""
def _submit_job(self, body: dict) -> Response:
id_token = self.login()
# send job request
return self.session.post(
headers={"Authorization": id_token},
def _response_check(self, res: Response, description: str) -> None:
"""Consolidate as much error-checking of response"""
# check if token has expired or is generally unauthorized
if res.status_code == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED:
jr = res.json()
raise QuantinuumAPIError(
f"Authorization failure attempting: {description}."
f"\n\nServer Response: {jr}"
elif res.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK:
jr = res.json()
raise QuantinuumAPIError(
f"HTTP error attempting: {description}.\n\nServer Response: {jr}"
def retrieve_job_status(
self, job_id: str, use_websocket: Optional[bool] = None
) -> Optional[dict]:
Retrieves job status from device.
:param job_id: unique id of job
:param use_websocket: use websocket to minimize interaction
:return: (dict) output from API
job_url = f"{self.url}job/{job_id}"
# Using the login wrapper we will automatically try to refresh token
id_token = self.login()
if use_websocket or (use_websocket is None and self.use_websocket):
job_url += "?websocket=true"
res = self.session.get(job_url, headers={"Authorization": id_token})
jr: Optional[dict] = None
# Check for invalid responses, and raise an exception if so
self._response_check(res, "job status")
# if we successfully got status return the decoded details
if res.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
jr = res.json()
return jr
def retrieve_job(
self, job_id: str, use_websocket: Optional[bool] = None
) -> Optional[dict]:
Retrieves job from device.
:param job_id: unique id of job
:param use_websocket: use websocket to minimize interaction
:return: (dict) output from API
jr = self.retrieve_job_status(job_id, use_websocket)
if not jr:
raise QuantinuumAPIError(f"Unable to retrieve job {job_id}")
if "status" in jr and jr["status"] in self.JOB_DONE:
return jr
if "websocket" in jr:
# wait for job completion using websocket
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
jr = loop.run_until_complete(self._wait_results(job_id))
except RuntimeError:
# no event loop in thread, call asyncio.run to use a new loop
jr = asyncio.run(self._wait_results(job_id))
# poll for job completion
jr = self._poll_results(job_id)
return jr
def _poll_results(self, job_id: str) -> Optional[dict]:
jr = None
start_time = time.time()
while True:
if self.timeout is not None and time.time() > (start_time + self.timeout):
jr = self.retrieve_job_status(job_id)
# If we are failing to retrieve status of any kind, then fail out.
if jr is None:
if "status" in jr and jr["status"] in self.JOB_DONE:
return jr
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise RuntimeError("Keyboard Interrupted")
return jr
async def _wait_results(self, job_id: str) -> Optional[dict]:
start_time = time.time()
while True:
if self.timeout is not None and time.time() > (start_time + self.timeout):
jr = self.retrieve_job_status(job_id, True)
if jr is None or "status" in jr and jr["status"] in self.JOB_DONE:
return jr
task_token = jr["websocket"]["task_token"]
execution_arn = jr["websocket"]["executionArn"]
websocket_uri = self.url.replace("https://", "wss://ws.")
async with connect(websocket_uri) as websocket:
body = {
"action": "OpenConnection",
"task_token": task_token,
"executionArn": execution_arn,
"partial": False,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(body))
while True:
res = await asyncio.wait_for(
websocket.recv(), timeout=self.ws_timeout
jr = json.loads(res)
if not isinstance(jr, dict):
raise RuntimeError("Unable to decode response.")
if "status" in jr and jr["status"] in self.JOB_DONE:
return jr
except (
# Try to keep the connection alive...
pong = await websocket.ping()
await asyncio.wait_for(pong, timeout=10)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
# If we are failing, wait a little while,
# then start from the top
await asyncio.sleep(self.retry_timeout)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise RuntimeError("Keyboard Interrupted")
def status(self, machine: str) -> str:
Check status of machine.
:param machine: machine name
:return: (str) status of machine
id_token = self.login()
res = self.session.get(
headers={"Authorization": id_token},
self._response_check(res, "get machine status")
jr = res.json()
return str(jr["state"])
def cancel(self, job_id: str) -> dict:
Cancels job.
:param job_id: job ID to cancel
:return: (dict) output from API
id_token = self.login()
res = self.session.post(
f"{self.url}job/{job_id}/cancel", headers={"Authorization": id_token}
self._response_check(res, "job cancel")
jr = res.json()
return jr # type: ignore
def get_calendar(self, start_date: str, end_date: str) -> list[dict[str, str]]:
Retrieves calendar data using L4 API. All dates and times
are in the UTC timezone.
:param start_date: String formatted start date (YYYY-MM-DD)
:param end_date: String formatted end date (YYYY-MM-DD)
:return: (dict) output from API
id_token = self.login()
base_url = self.url.replace("https://", "https://ui.").replace("v1", "beta")
url = f"{base_url}reservation?mode=user&start={start_date}&end={end_date}"
res = self.session.get(
headers={"Authorization": id_token},
self._response_check(res, "get calendar events")
jr: list[dict[str, str]] = res.json()
return jr
"wasm": True,
"batching": True,
"benchmarks": {"qv": {"date": "2024-04-04", "value": 1048576.0}},
"max_classical_register_width": 32,
"gateset": ["RZZ", "Rxxyyzz", "Rz", "U1q", "ZZ"],
"name": "H1-1",
"syntax_checker": "H1-1SC",
"n_gate_zones": "5",
"noise_specs": {
"date": "2024-02-04",
"spam_error": {
"p_meas_1_unc": 0.000199,
"p_meas_0": 0.00095,
"p_meas_1": 0.00397,
"p_meas_0_unc": 9.74e-05,
"crosstalk_error": {
"p_crosstalk_meas_unc": 1.02e-06,
"p_crosstalk_meas": 1.453e-05,
"memory_error": {"memory_error_unc": 2.52e-05, "memory_error": 0.000208},
"1q_gate_error": {"p1": 2.08e-05, "p1_unc": 2.77e-06},
"2q_gate_error": {"p2_unc": 2.85e-05, "p2": 0.000882},
"max_n_shots": 10000,
"n_qubits": 20,
"n_classical_registers": 120,
"system_type": "hardware",
"connectivity": "all-to-all",
"emulator": "H1-1E",
"wasm": True,
"batching": True,
"benchmarks": {"qv": {"date": "2024-05-31", "value": 262144.0}},
"max_classical_register_width": 63,
"gateset": ["RZZ", "Rxxyyzz", "Rz", "U1q", "ZZ"],
"name": "H2-1",
"syntax_checker": "H2-1SC",
"n_gate_zones": "4",
"noise_specs": {
"date": "2024-05-20",
"spam_error": {
"p_meas_1_unc": 0.0002,
"p_meas_0": 0.0005,
"p_meas_1": 0.0025,
"p_meas_0_unc": 8e-05,
"crosstalk_error": {
"p_crosstalk_meas_unc": 8e-07,
"p_crosstalk_meas": 7.4e-06,
"memory_error": {"memory_error_unc": 2e-05, "memory_error": 0.0005},
"1q_gate_error": {"p1": 2.9e-05, "p1_unc": 4e-06},
"2q_gate_error": {"p2_unc": 8e-05, "p2": 0.00128},
"max_n_shots": 10000,
"n_qubits": 56,
"n_classical_registers": 50,
"system_type": "hardware",
"connectivity": "all-to-all",
"emulator": "H2-1E",
class QuantinuumAPIOffline:
Offline copy of the interface to the Quantinuum remote API.
def __init__(self, machine_list: Optional[list] = None):
"""Initialize offline API client.
Tries to allow all the operations of the QuantinuumAPI without
any interaction with the remote device.
All jobs that are submitted to this offline API are stored
and can be requested again later.
:param machine_list: List of dictionaries each containing device information.
The format of should match what a real backend would return.
One short example:
"name": "H1-1",
"n_qubits": 20,
"gateset": ["RZZ", "Riswap", "TK2"],
"n_shots": 10000,
"batching": True,
if machine_list is None:
self.provider = ""
self.url = ""
self.online = False
self.machine_list = machine_list
self._cred_store = None
self.submitted: list = []
def _get_machine_list(self) -> Optional[list]:
"""returns the given list of the avilable machines
:return: list of machines
return self.machine_list
def full_login(self) -> None:
"""No login offline with the offline API"""
return None
def login(self) -> str:
"""No login offline with the offline API, this function will always
return an empty api token"""
return ""
def _submit_job(self, body: dict) -> None:
"""The function will take the submitted job and store it for later
:param body: submitted job
:return: None
return None
def get_jobs(self) -> Optional[list]:
"""The function will return all the jobs that have been submitted
:return: List of all the submitted jobs
return self.submitted
def _response_check(self, res: Response, description: str) -> None:
"""No _response_check offline"""
jr = res.json()
raise QuantinuumAPIError(
f"Reponse can't be checked offline: {description}."
f"\n\nServer Response: {jr}"
def retrieve_job_status(
self, job_id: str, use_websocket: Optional[bool] = None
) -> None:
"""No retrieve_job_status offline"""
raise QuantinuumAPIError(
f"Can't retrieve job status offline: job_id {job_id}."
f"\n use_websocket {use_websocket}"
def retrieve_job(self, job_id: str, use_websocket: Optional[bool] = None) -> None:
"""No retrieve_job_status offline"""
raise QuantinuumAPIError(
f"Can't retrieve job status offline: job_id {job_id}."
f"\n use_websocket {use_websocket}"
def status(self, machine: str) -> str:
"""No retrieve_job_status offline"""
return "unclear"
def cancel(self, job_id: str) -> dict:
"""No cancel offline"""
raise QuantinuumAPIError(f"Can't cancel job offline: job_id {job_id}.")