Source code for pytket.extensions.iqm.backends.iqm

# Copyright 2020-2024 Quantinuum
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
import os
from typing import cast, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from uuid import UUID
from iqm.iqm_client.iqm_client import Circuit as IQMCircuit
from iqm.iqm_client.iqm_client import Instruction, IQMClient, Metadata, Status
import numpy as np
from pytket.backends import Backend, CircuitStatus, ResultHandle, StatusEnum
from pytket.backends.backend import KwargTypes
from pytket.backends.backend_exceptions import CircuitNotRunError
from pytket.backends.backendinfo import BackendInfo
from pytket.backends.backendresult import BackendResult
from pytket.backends.resulthandle import _ResultIdTuple
from pytket.circuit import Circuit, Node, OpType
from pytket.extensions.iqm._metadata import __extension_version__
from pytket.passes import (
from pytket.predicates import (
from pytket.architecture import Architecture
from pytket.utils import prepare_circuit
from pytket.utils.outcomearray import OutcomeArray
from .config import IQMConfig

# Mapping of natively supported instructions' names to members of Pytket OpType
    "phased_rx": OpType.PhasedX,
    "cz": OpType.CZ,
    "measurement": OpType.Measure,
    "barrier": OpType.Barrier,

class IqmAuthenticationError(Exception):
    """Raised when there is no IQM access credentials available."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        super().__init__("No IQM access credentials provided or found in config file.")

[docs] class IQMBackend(Backend): """ Interface to an IQM device or simulator. """ _supports_shots = True _supports_counts = True _supports_contextual_optimisation = True _persistent_handles = True
[docs] def __init__( self, url: str, arch: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None, auth_server_url: Optional[str] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Construct a new IQM backend. Requires _either_ a valid auth server URL, username and password, _or_ a tokens file. Auth server URL, username and password can either be provided as parameters or set in config using :py:meth:`pytket.extensions.iqm.set_iqm_config`. Path to the tokens file is read from the environmment variable ``IQM_TOKENS_FILE``. If set, this overrides any other credentials provided as arguments. :param url: base URL for requests :param arch: Optional list of couplings between the qubits defined, if not set the default value from the server is used. :param auth_server_url: base URL of authentication server :param username: IQM username :param password: IQM password """ super().__init__() self._url = url config = IQMConfig.from_default_config_file() if auth_server_url is None: auth_server_url = config.auth_server_url tokens_file = os.getenv("IQM_TOKENS_FILE") if username is None: username = config.username if password is None: password = config.password if (username is None or password is None) and tokens_file is None: raise IqmAuthenticationError() if tokens_file is None: self._client = IQMClient( self._url, auth_server_url=auth_server_url, username=username, password=password, ) else: self._client = IQMClient(self._url, tokens_file=tokens_file) _iqmqa = self._client.get_quantum_architecture() self._operations = [_IQM_PYTKET_OP_MAP[op] for op in _iqmqa.operations] self._qubits = [_as_node(qb) for qb in _iqmqa.qubits] self._n_qubits = len(self._qubits) if arch is None: arch = _iqmqa.qubit_connectivity coupling = [(_as_node(a), _as_node(b)) for (a, b) in arch] if any(qb not in self._qubits for couple in coupling for qb in couple): raise ValueError("Architecture contains qubits not in device") self._arch = Architecture(coupling) self._backendinfo = BackendInfo( name=type(self).__name__,, version=__extension_version__, architecture=self._arch, gate_set=set(self._operations), )
@property def backend_info(self) -> BackendInfo: return self._backendinfo @property def required_predicates(self) -> List[Predicate]: return [ NoClassicalControlPredicate(), NoFastFeedforwardPredicate(), NoBarriersPredicate(), NoMidMeasurePredicate(), NoSymbolsPredicate(), GateSetPredicate(set(self._operations)), ConnectivityPredicate(self._arch), ]
[docs] def rebase_pass(self) -> BasePass: return _iqm_rebase()
[docs] def default_compilation_pass(self, optimisation_level: int = 1) -> BasePass: assert optimisation_level in range(3) passes = [DecomposeBoxes(), FlattenRegisters()] if optimisation_level == 0: passes.append(self.rebase_pass()) # to satisfy MaxTwoQubitGatesPredicate elif optimisation_level == 1: passes.append(SynthesiseTket()) elif optimisation_level == 2: passes.append(FullPeepholeOptimise()) passes.append(DefaultMappingPass(self._arch)) passes.append(DelayMeasures()) if optimisation_level == 2: passes.append(KAKDecomposition(allow_swaps=False)) passes.append(CliffordSimp(allow_swaps=False)) passes.append(SynthesiseTket()) passes.append(self.rebase_pass()) passes.append(RemoveRedundancies()) return SequencePass(passes)
@property def _result_id_type(self) -> _ResultIdTuple: return (bytes, str)
[docs] def process_circuits( self, circuits: Sequence[Circuit], n_shots: Union[None, int, Sequence[Optional[int]]] = None, valid_check: bool = True, **kwargs: KwargTypes, ) -> List[ResultHandle]: """ See :py:meth:`pytket.backends.Backend.process_circuits`. Supported `kwargs`: - `postprocess`: apply end-of-circuit simplifications and classical postprocessing to improve fidelity of results (bool, default False) - `simplify_initial`: apply the pytket ``SimplifyInitial`` pass to improve fidelity of results assuming all qubits initialized to zero (bool, default False) """ circuits = list(circuits) n_shots_list = Backend._get_n_shots_as_list( n_shots, len(circuits), optional=False, ) if valid_check: self._check_all_circuits(circuits) postprocess = kwargs.get("postprocess", False) simplify_initial = kwargs.get("postprocess", False) handles = [] for i, (c, n_shots) in enumerate(zip(circuits, n_shots_list)): if postprocess: c0, ppcirc = prepare_circuit(c, allow_classical=False, xcirc=_xcirc) ppcirc_rep = ppcirc.to_dict() else: c0, ppcirc_rep = c, None if simplify_initial: SimplifyInitial( allow_classical=False, create_all_qubits=True, xcirc=_xcirc ).apply(c0) instrs = _translate_iqm(c0) qm = {str(qb): _as_name(cast(Node, qb)) for qb in c.qubits} iqmc = IQMCircuit( if else f"circuit_{i}", instructions=instrs, metadata=None, ) run_id = self._client.submit_circuits( [iqmc], qubit_mapping=qm, shots=n_shots ) handles.append(ResultHandle(run_id.bytes, json.dumps(ppcirc_rep))) for handle in handles: self._cache[handle] = dict() return handles
def _update_cache_result( self, handle: ResultHandle, result_dict: Dict[str, BackendResult] ) -> None: if handle in self._cache: self._cache[handle].update(result_dict) else: self._cache[handle] = result_dict
[docs] def circuit_status(self, handle: ResultHandle) -> CircuitStatus: self._check_handle_type(handle) run_id = UUID(bytes=cast(bytes, handle[0])) run_result = self._client.get_run(run_id) status = run_result.status if status == Status.PENDING_EXECUTION: return CircuitStatus(StatusEnum.SUBMITTED) elif status == Status.READY: measurements = cast(dict, run_result.measurements)[0] shots = OutcomeArray.from_readouts( np.array( [[r[0] for r in rlist] for cbstr, rlist in measurements.items()], dtype=int, ) .transpose() .tolist() ) ppcirc_rep = json.loads(cast(str, handle[1])) ppcirc = Circuit.from_dict(ppcirc_rep) if ppcirc_rep is not None else None self._update_cache_result( handle, {"result": BackendResult(shots=shots, ppcirc=ppcirc)} ) return CircuitStatus(StatusEnum.COMPLETED) else: assert status == Status.FAILED return CircuitStatus(StatusEnum.ERROR, cast(str, run_result.message))
[docs] def get_result(self, handle: ResultHandle, **kwargs: KwargTypes) -> BackendResult: """ See :py:meth:`pytket.backends.Backend.get_result`. Supported kwargs: `timeout` (default 900). """ try: return super().get_result(handle) except CircuitNotRunError: timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", 900) # Wait for job to finish; result will then be in the cache. run_id = UUID(bytes=cast(bytes, handle[0])) self._client.wait_for_results(run_id, timeout_secs=cast(float, timeout)) circuit_status = self.circuit_status(handle) if circuit_status.status is StatusEnum.COMPLETED: return cast(BackendResult, self._cache[handle]["result"]) else: assert circuit_status.status is StatusEnum.ERROR raise RuntimeError(circuit_status.message)
[docs] def get_metadata(self, handle: ResultHandle, **kwargs: KwargTypes) -> Metadata: """Return the metadata corresponding to the handle. Use keyword arguments to specify parameters to be used in retrieving the metadata. * `timeout`: maximum time to wait for remote job to finish Example usage: n_shots = 100 backend.run_circuit(circuit, n_shots=n_shots, timeout=30) handle = backend.process_circuits([circuit], n_shots=n_shots)[0] result = backend.get_result(handle) metadata = backend.get_metadata(handle) print([qm.physical_name for qm in metadata.request.qubit_mapping]) :param handle: handle to results :type handle: ResultHandle :return: Metadata corresponding to handle :rtype: Metadata """ self._check_handle_type(handle) if handle in self._cache and "metadata" in self._cache[handle]: return cast(Metadata, self._cache[handle]["metadata"]) # Wait for job to finish, capture metadata and store it in cache timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", 900) run_id = UUID(bytes=cast(bytes, handle[0])) run_result = self._client.wait_for_results( run_id, timeout_secs=cast(float, timeout) ) self._cache[handle]["metadata"] = run_result.metadata return cast(Metadata, self._cache[handle]["metadata"])
def _as_node(qname: str) -> Node: assert qname.startswith("QB") x = int(qname[2:]) assert x >= 1 return Node(x - 1) def _as_name(qnode: Node) -> str: assert qnode.reg_name == "node" return f"QB{qnode.index[0] + 1}" def _translate_iqm(circ: Circuit) -> Tuple[Instruction, ...]: """Convert a circuit in the IQM gate set to IQM list representation.""" instrs = [] for cmd in circ.get_commands(): op = cmd.op qbs = cmd.qubits cbs = cmd.bits optype = op.type params = op.params if optype == OpType.PhasedX: instr = Instruction( name="phased_rx", implementation=None, qubits=(str(qbs[0]),), args={"angle_t": 0.5 * params[0], "phase_t": 0.5 * params[1]}, ) elif optype == OpType.CZ: instr = Instruction( name="cz", implementation=None, qubits=(str(qbs[0]), str(qbs[1])), args={}, ) else: assert optype == OpType.Measure instr = Instruction( name="measurement", implementation=None, qubits=(str(qbs[0]),), args={"key": str(cbs[0])}, ) instrs.append(instr) return tuple(instrs) def _iqm_rebase() -> BasePass: # CX replacement c_cx = Circuit(2) c_cx.add_gate(OpType.PhasedX, [-0.5, 0.5], [1]) c_cx.CZ(0, 1) c_cx.add_gate(OpType.PhasedX, [0.5, 0.5], [1]) # TK1 replacement c_tk1 = ( lambda a, b, c: Circuit(1) .add_gate(OpType.PhasedX, [-1, (a - c) / 2], [0]) .add_gate(OpType.PhasedX, [1 + b, a], [0]) ) return RebaseCustom({OpType.CZ, OpType.PhasedX}, c_cx, c_tk1) _xcirc = Circuit(1).add_gate(OpType.PhasedX, [1, 0], [0]).add_phase(0.5)