Source code for pytket.extensions.braket.backends.braket

# Copyright 2020-2024 Quantinuum
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from itertools import permutations
import json
import warnings
from enum import Enum
import time
from typing import (
from uuid import uuid4
import braket  # type: ignore
from import AwsDevice, AwsSession  # type: ignore
from import AwsDeviceType  # type: ignore
from import AwsQuantumTask  # type: ignore
import braket.circuits  # type: ignore
from braket.circuits.observable import Observable  # type: ignore
from braket.circuits.qubit_set import QubitSet  # type: ignore
from braket.circuits.result_type import ResultType  # type: ignore
from braket.device_schema import DeviceActionType  # type: ignore
from braket.devices import LocalSimulator  # type: ignore
from braket.tasks.local_quantum_task import LocalQuantumTask  # type: ignore
import boto3
import numpy as np
from pytket.backends import Backend, CircuitStatus, ResultHandle, StatusEnum
from pytket.backends.backend import KwargTypes
from pytket.backends.backendinfo import BackendInfo
from pytket.backends.backend_exceptions import CircuitNotRunError
from pytket.backends.backendresult import BackendResult
from pytket.backends.resulthandle import _ResultIdTuple
from pytket.extensions.braket.braket_convert import (
from pytket.extensions.braket._metadata import __extension_version__
from pytket.circuit import Circuit, OpType
from pytket.passes import (
from pytket.circuit_library import TK1_to_RzRx
from pytket.pauli import Pauli, QubitPauliString
from pytket.predicates import (
from pytket.architecture import Architecture, FullyConnected
from pytket.placement import NoiseAwarePlacement
from pytket.utils import prepare_circuit
from pytket.utils.operators import QubitPauliOperator
from pytket.utils.outcomearray import OutcomeArray

from .config import BraketConfig

    from pytket.circuit import Node

# Known schemas for noise characteristics
    "name": "braket.device_schema.ionq.ionq_provider_properties",
    "version": "1",
    "name": "braket.device_schema.rigetti.rigetti_provider_properties",
    "version": "1",
    "name": "braket.device_schema.oqc.oqc_provider_properties",
    "version": "1",

_gate_types = {
    "amplitude_damping": None,
    "bit_flip": None,
    "ccnot": OpType.CCX,
    "cnot": OpType.CX,
    "cphaseshift": OpType.CU1,
    "cphaseshift00": None,
    "cphaseshift01": None,
    "cphaseshift10": None,
    "cswap": OpType.CSWAP,
    "cv": OpType.CV,
    "cy": OpType.CY,
    "cz": OpType.CZ,
    "depolarizing": None,
    "ecr": OpType.ECR,
    "end_verbatim_box": None,
    "generalized_amplitude_damping": None,
    "h": OpType.H,
    "i": OpType.noop,
    "iswap": OpType.ISWAPMax,
    "kraus": None,
    "pauli_channel": None,
    "pswap": None,
    "phase_damping": None,
    "phase_flip": None,
    "phaseshift": OpType.U1,
    "rx": OpType.Rx,
    "ry": OpType.Ry,
    "rz": OpType.Rz,
    "s": OpType.S,
    "si": OpType.Sdg,
    "start_verbatim_box": None,
    "swap": OpType.SWAP,
    "t": OpType.T,
    "ti": OpType.Tdg,
    "two_qubit_dephasing": None,
    "two_qubit_depolarizing": None,
    "two_qubit_pauli_channel": None,
    "unitary": None,
    "v": OpType.V,
    "vi": OpType.Vdg,
    "x": OpType.X,
    "xx": OpType.XXPhase,
    "xy": OpType.ISWAP,
    "y": OpType.Y,
    "yy": OpType.YYPhase,
    "z": OpType.Z,
    "zz": OpType.ZZPhase,

_multiq_gate_types = {

_observables = {
    Pauli.I: Observable.I(),
    Pauli.X: Observable.X(),
    Pauli.Y: Observable.Y(),
    Pauli.Z: Observable.Z(),

def _obs_from_qps(
    circuit: Circuit, pauli: QubitPauliString
) -> Tuple[Observable, QubitSet]:
    obs, qbs = [], []
    for q, p in
    return Observable.TensorProduct(obs), qbs

def _obs_from_qpo(operator: QubitPauliOperator, n_qubits: int) -> Observable:
    H = operator.to_sparse_matrix(n_qubits).toarray()
    return Observable.Hermitian(H)

def _get_result(
    completed_task: Union[AwsQuantumTask, LocalQuantumTask],
    target_qubits: List[int],
    measures: Dict[int, int],
    want_state: bool,
    want_dm: bool,
    ppcirc: Optional[Circuit] = None,
) -> Dict[str, BackendResult]:
    """Get a result from a completed task.

    :param completed_task: braket task
    :param target_qubits: list of braket qubit ids
    :param measures: map from measured braket qubit ids to original circuit bit indices
    :param want_state: whether we want a statevector result
    :paran want_dm: whether we want a density-matrix result
    :param ppcirc: classical postprocessing circuit, if any
    result = completed_task.result()
    kwargs = {}
    if want_state or want_dm:
        assert ppcirc is None
        if want_state:
            kwargs["state"] = result.get_value_by_result_type(ResultType.StateVector())
        if want_dm:
            m = result.get_value_by_result_type(
            if type(completed_task) == AwsQuantumTask:
                kwargs["density_matrix"] = np.array(
                    [[complex(x, y) for x, y in row] for row in m], dtype=complex
                kwargs["density_matrix"] = m
        qubit_index = [0] * len(measures)
        for q, b in measures.items():
            qubit_index[b] = result.measured_qubits.index(q)
        measurements = result.measurements[:, qubit_index]
        kwargs["shots"] = OutcomeArray.from_readouts(measurements)
        kwargs["ppcirc"] = ppcirc
    return {"result": BackendResult(**kwargs)}

class _DeviceType(str, Enum):
    QPU = "QPU"

[docs] class BraketBackend(Backend): """Interface to Amazon Braket service""" _persistent_handles = True
[docs] def __init__( self, local: bool = False, local_device: str = "default", device: Optional[str] = None, region: str = "", s3_bucket: Optional[str] = None, s3_folder: Optional[str] = None, device_type: Optional[str] = None, provider: Optional[str] = None, aws_session: Optional[AwsSession] = None, ): """ Construct a new braket backend. If `local=True`, other parameters are ignored. All parameters except `device` can be set in config using :py:meth:`pytket.extensions.braket.set_braket_config`. For `device_type`, `provider` and `device` if no parameter is specified as a keyword argument or in the config file the defaults specified below are used. :param local: use simulator running on local machine, default: False :param local_device: name of local device (ignored if local=False) -- e.g. "braket_sv" (default) or "braket_dm". :param device: device name from device ARN (e.g. "ionQdevice", "Aspen-8", ...), default: "sv1" :param region: region from device ARN, default: "" :param s3_bucket: name of S3 bucket to store results :param s3_folder: name of folder ("key") in S3 bucket to store results in :param device_type: device type from device ARN (e.g. "qpu"), default: "quantum-simulator" :param provider: provider name from device ARN (e.g. "ionq", "rigetti", "oqc", ...), default: "amazon" :param aws_session: braket AwsSession object, to pass credentials in if not configured on local machine """ super().__init__() # load config config = BraketConfig.from_default_config_file() if s3_bucket is None: s3_bucket = config.s3_bucket if s3_folder is None: s3_folder = config.s3_folder if device_type is None: device_type = config.device_type if provider is None: provider = config.provider # set defaults if not overridden if device_type is None: device_type = "quantum-simulator" if provider is None: provider = "amazon" if device is None: device = "sv1" # set up AwsSession to use; if it's None, braket will create sessions as needed self._aws_session = aws_session if local: self._device = LocalSimulator(backend=local_device) self._device_type = _DeviceType.LOCAL else: self._device = AwsDevice( "arn:aws:braket:" + region + "::" + "/".join( ["device", device_type, provider, device], ), aws_session=self._aws_session, ) # self._s3_dest must be of type Optional[Tuple[str, str]] if s3_bucket is None or s3_folder is None: self._s3_dest = None if s3_bucket is None and s3_folder is not None: warnings.warn( "'s3_bucket' is missing, use the default s3 destination." ) elif s3_bucket is not None and s3_folder is None: warnings.warn( "'s3_folder' is missing, use the default s3 destination." ) else: self._s3_dest = (s3_bucket, s3_folder) aws_device_type = self._device.type if aws_device_type == AwsDeviceType.SIMULATOR: self._device_type = _DeviceType.SIMULATOR elif aws_device_type == AwsDeviceType.QPU: self._device_type = _DeviceType.QPU else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported device type {aws_device_type}") props = action = props["action"] device_info = action.get(DeviceActionType.JAQCD) if device_info is None: device_info = action.get(DeviceActionType.OPENQASM) if device_info is None: # This can happen with quantum anealers (e.g. D-Wave devices) raise ValueError(f"Unsupported device {device}") supported_ops = set(op.lower() for op in device_info["supportedOperations"]) supported_result_types = device_info["supportedResultTypes"] self._result_types = set() for rt in supported_result_types: rtname = rt["name"] rtminshots = rt["minShots"] rtmaxshots = rt["maxShots"] self._result_types.add(rtname) if rtname == "StateVector": self._supports_state = True # Always use n_shots = 0 for StateVector elif rtname == "Amplitude": pass # Always use n_shots = 0 for Amplitude elif rtname == "Probability": self._probability_min_shots = rtminshots self._probability_max_shots = rtmaxshots elif rtname == "Expectation": self._supports_expectation = True self._expectation_allows_nonhermitian = False self._expectation_min_shots = rtminshots self._expectation_max_shots = rtmaxshots elif rtname == "Sample": self._supports_shots = True self._supports_counts = True self._supports_contextual_optimisation = True self._sample_min_shots = rtminshots self._sample_max_shots = rtmaxshots elif rtname == "Variance": self._variance_min_shots = rtminshots self._variance_max_shots = rtmaxshots elif rtname == "DensityMatrix": self._supports_density_matrix = True # Always use n_shots = 0 for DensityMatrix # Don't use contextual optimization for non-QPU backends if self._device_type != _DeviceType.QPU: self._supports_contextual_optimisation = False self._singleqs, self._multiqs = self._get_gate_set( supported_ops, self._device_type ) arch, self._all_qubits = self._get_arch_info(props, self._device_type) self._characteristics: Optional[Dict] = None if self._device_type == _DeviceType.QPU: self._characteristics = props["provider"] self._backend_info = self._get_backend_info( arch, device, self._singleqs, self._multiqs, self._characteristics, ) paradigm = props["paradigm"] n_qubits = len(self._all_qubits) self._supports_client_qubit_mapping = ( self._device_type == _DeviceType.QPU ) and device_info["disabledQubitRewiringSupported"] self._requires_all_qubits_measured = False try: if (self._device_type == _DeviceType.QPU) and props["action"][ DeviceActionType.OPENQASM ]["requiresAllQubitsMeasurement"]: self._requires_all_qubits_measured = True except KeyError: pass self._req_preds = [ NoClassicalControlPredicate(), NoFastFeedforwardPredicate(), NoMidMeasurePredicate(), NoSymbolsPredicate(), GateSetPredicate(self._multiqs | self._singleqs | {OpType.Measure}), MaxNQubitsPredicate(n_qubits), ] if self._device_type == _DeviceType.QPU and not isinstance( arch, FullyConnected ): self._req_preds.append(ConnectivityPredicate(arch)) self._rebase_pass = RebaseCustom( self._multiqs | self._singleqs, Circuit(), TK1_to_RzRx, ) self._squash_pass = SquashCustom( self._singleqs, TK1_to_RzRx, )
@staticmethod def _get_gate_set( supported_ops: Set[str], device_type: _DeviceType ) -> Tuple[Set[OpType], Set[OpType]]: multiqs = set() singleqs = set() if not {"cnot", "rx", "rz", "x"} <= supported_ops: # This is so that we can define RebaseCustom without prior knowledge of the # gate set, and use X as the bit-flip gate in contextual optimization. We # could do better than this, by defining different options depending on the # supported gates. But it seems all existing backends support these gates. raise NotImplementedError("Device must support cnot, rx, rz and x gates.") for t in supported_ops: tkt = _gate_types[t] if tkt is not None: if t in _multiq_gate_types: if device_type == _DeviceType.QPU and t in ["ccnot", "cswap"]: # FullMappingPass can't handle 3-qubit gates, so ignore them. continue multiqs.add(tkt) else: singleqs.add(tkt) return singleqs, multiqs @staticmethod def _get_arch_info( device_properties: Dict[str, Any], device_type: _DeviceType ) -> Tuple[Architecture | FullyConnected, List[int]]: # return the architecture, and all_qubits paradigm = device_properties["paradigm"] n_qubits = paradigm["qubitCount"] connectivity_graph = None # None means "fully connected" if device_type == _DeviceType.QPU: connectivity = paradigm["connectivity"] if connectivity["fullyConnected"]: all_qubits: List = list(range(n_qubits)) else: connectivity_graph = connectivity["connectivityGraph"] # Convert strings to ints connectivity_graph = dict( (int(k), [int(v) for v in l]) for k, l in connectivity_graph.items() ) # each connectivity graph key will be an int # connectivity_graph values will be lists all_qubits_set = set() for k, v in connectivity_graph.items(): all_qubits_set.add(k) all_qubits_set.update(v) all_qubits = list(all_qubits_set) else: all_qubits = list(range(n_qubits)) arch: Architecture | FullyConnected if connectivity_graph is None: arch = FullyConnected(len(all_qubits)) else: arch = Architecture( [(k, v) for k, l in connectivity_graph.items() for v in l] ) return arch, all_qubits @classmethod def _get_backend_info( cls, arch: Architecture | FullyConnected, device_name: str, singleqs: Set[OpType], multiqs: Set[OpType], characteristics: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> BackendInfo: if characteristics is not None: schema = characteristics["braketSchemaHeader"] if schema == IONQ_SCHEMA: fid = characteristics["fidelity"] get_node_error: Callable[["Node"], float] = lambda n: 1.0 - cast( float, fid["1Q"]["mean"] ) get_readout_error: Callable[["Node"], float] = lambda n: 0.0 get_link_error: Callable[ ["Node", "Node"], float ] = lambda n0, n1: 1.0 - cast(float, fid["2Q"]["mean"]) elif schema == RIGETTI_SCHEMA: specs = characteristics["specs"] specs1q, specs2q = specs["1Q"], specs["2Q"] get_node_error = lambda n: 1.0 - cast( float, specs1q[f"{n.index[0]}"].get("f1QRB", 1.0) ) get_readout_error = lambda n: 1.0 - cast( float, specs1q[f"{n.index[0]}"].get("fRO", 1.0) ) get_link_error = lambda n0, n1: 1.0 - cast( float, specs2q[ f"{min(n0.index[0],n1.index[0])}-{max(n0.index[0],n1.index[0])}" ].get("fCZ", 1.0), ) elif schema == OQC_SCHEMA: properties = characteristics["properties"] props1q, props2q = properties["one_qubit"], properties["two_qubit"] get_node_error = lambda n: 1.0 - cast( float, props1q[f"{n.index[0]}"]["fRB"] ) get_readout_error = lambda n: 1.0 - cast( float, props1q[f"{n.index[0]}"]["fRO"] ) get_link_error = lambda n0, n1: 1.0 - cast( float, props2q[f"{n0.index[0]}-{n1.index[0]}"]["fCX"] ) # readout error as symmetric 2x2 matrix to_sym_mat: Callable[[float], List[List[float]]] = lambda x: [ [1.0 - x, x], [x, 1.0 - x], ] node_errors = { node: {optype: get_node_error(node) for optype in singleqs} for node in arch.nodes } readout_errors = { node: to_sym_mat(get_readout_error(node)) for node in arch.nodes } # Construct a fake coupling map if we have a FullyConnected architecture, # otherwise use the coupling provided by the Architecture class. coupling: list[tuple["Node", "Node"]] if isinstance(arch, FullyConnected): # cast is needed as mypy does not know that we passed a fixed # integer to `permutations`. coupling = cast( list[tuple["Node", "Node"]], list(permutations(arch.nodes, 2)) ) else: coupling = arch.coupling link_errors = { (n0, n1): {optype: get_link_error(n0, n1) for optype in multiqs} for n0, n1 in coupling } backend_info = BackendInfo( cls.__name__, device_name, __extension_version__, arch, singleqs.union(multiqs), all_node_gate_errors=node_errors, all_edge_gate_errors=link_errors, all_readout_errors=readout_errors, ) else: backend_info = BackendInfo( cls.__name__, device_name, __extension_version__, arch, singleqs.union(multiqs), ) return backend_info @property def required_predicates(self) -> List[Predicate]: return self._req_preds
[docs] def rebase_pass(self) -> BasePass: return self._rebase_pass
[docs] def default_compilation_pass(self, optimisation_level: int = 1) -> BasePass: assert optimisation_level in range(3) passes = [DecomposeBoxes()] if optimisation_level == 1: passes.append(SynthesiseTket()) elif optimisation_level == 2: passes.append(FullPeepholeOptimise()) passes.append(self.rebase_pass()) if ( (self._device_type == _DeviceType.QPU) and (self.characterisation is not None) and (not self._requires_all_qubits_measured) ): arch = self.backend_info.architecture assert isinstance(arch, Architecture) passes.append( CXMappingPass( arch, NoiseAwarePlacement( arch, **get_avg_characterisation(self.characterisation) # type: ignore ), directed_cx=False, delay_measures=True, ) ) passes.append(NaivePlacementPass(arch)) # If CX weren't supported by the device then we'd need to do another # rebase_pass here. But we checked above that it is. if optimisation_level == 1: passes.extend([RemoveRedundancies(), self._squash_pass]) if optimisation_level == 2: passes.extend( [ CliffordSimp(False), SynthesiseTket(), self.rebase_pass(), self._squash_pass, ] ) return SequencePass(passes)
@property def _result_id_type(self) -> _ResultIdTuple: # task ID # json list of target qubits # stringified dict of measurements # whether state vector is wanted # whether density matrix is wanted # serialized ppcirc or "null" return (str, str, str, bool, bool, str) def _run( self, bkcirc: braket.circuits.Circuit, n_shots: int = 0, **kwargs: KwargTypes ) -> Union[AwsQuantumTask, LocalQuantumTask]: if self._device_type == _DeviceType.LOCAL: return, shots=n_shots, **kwargs) else: return bkcirc, self._s3_dest, shots=n_shots, disable_qubit_rewiring=self._supports_client_qubit_mapping, **kwargs, ) def _to_bkcirc( self, circuit: Circuit ) -> Tuple[braket.circuits.Circuit, List[int], Dict[int, int]]: return tk_to_braket( circuit, mapped_qubits=(self._device_type == _DeviceType.QPU), forced_qubits=( self._all_qubits if ( self._requires_all_qubits_measured and OpType.noop in self.backend_info.gate_set ) else None ), force_ops_on_target_qubits=(OpType.noop in self.backend_info.gate_set), )
[docs] def process_circuits( self, circuits: Sequence[Circuit], n_shots: Union[None, int, Sequence[Optional[int]]] = None, valid_check: bool = True, **kwargs: KwargTypes, ) -> List[ResultHandle]: """ Supported `kwargs`: - `postprocess`: apply end-of-circuit simplifications and classical postprocessing to improve fidelity of results (bool, default False) - `simplify_initial`: apply the pytket ``SimplifyInitial`` pass to improve fidelity of results assuming all qubits initialized to zero (bool, default False) """ circuits = list(circuits) n_shots_list = Backend._get_n_shots_as_list( n_shots, len(circuits), optional=True, set_zero=True ) if not self.supports_shots and not self.supports_state: raise RuntimeError("Backend does not support shots or state") if any( map( lambda n: n > 0 and (n < self._sample_min_shots or n > self._sample_max_shots), n_shots_list, ) ): raise ValueError( "For sampling, n_shots must be between " f"{self._sample_min_shots} and {self._sample_max_shots}. " "For statevector simulation, omit this parameter." ) if valid_check: self._check_all_circuits(circuits, nomeasure_warn=False) postprocess = kwargs.get("postprocess", False) simplify_initial = kwargs.get("simplify_initial", False) handles = [] for circ, n_shots in zip(circuits, n_shots_list): want_state = (n_shots == 0) and self.supports_state want_dm = (n_shots == 0) and self.supports_density_matrix if postprocess: c0, ppcirc = prepare_circuit(circ, allow_classical=False) ppcirc_rep = ppcirc.to_dict() else: c0, ppcirc, ppcirc_rep = circ, None, None if self.supports_contextual_optimisation and simplify_initial: SimplifyInitial(allow_classical=False, create_all_qubits=True).apply(c0) bkcirc, target_qubits, measures = self._to_bkcirc(c0) if want_state: bkcirc.add_result_type(ResultType.StateVector()) if want_dm: bkcirc.add_result_type(ResultType.DensityMatrix(target=bkcirc.qubits)) if not bkcirc.instructions and len(circ.bits) == 0: task = None else: task = self._run(bkcirc, n_shots=n_shots) if self._device_type == _DeviceType.LOCAL: # Results are available now. Put them in the cache. if task is not None: assert task.state() == "COMPLETED" results = _get_result( task, target_qubits, measures, want_state, want_dm, ppcirc ) else: results = {"result": self.empty_result(circ, n_shots=n_shots)} else: # Task is asynchronous. Must wait for results. results = {} if task is not None: handle = ResultHandle(, json.dumps(target_qubits), json.dumps(list(measures.items())), want_state, want_dm, json.dumps(ppcirc_rep), ) else: handle = ResultHandle( str(uuid4()), json.dumps(target_qubits), json.dumps(list(measures.items())), False, False, json.dumps(None), ) self._cache[handle] = results handles.append(handle) return handles
def _update_cache_result( self, handle: ResultHandle, result_dict: Dict[str, BackendResult] ) -> None: if handle in self._cache: self._cache[handle].update(result_dict) else: self._cache[handle] = result_dict
[docs] def circuit_status(self, handle: ResultHandle) -> CircuitStatus: if self._device_type == _DeviceType.LOCAL: return CircuitStatus(StatusEnum.COMPLETED) task_id, target_qubits, measures, want_state, want_dm, ppcirc_str = handle ppcirc_rep = json.loads(ppcirc_str) ppcirc = Circuit.from_dict(ppcirc_rep) if ppcirc_rep is not None else None task = AwsQuantumTask(task_id, aws_session=self._aws_session) state = task.state() if state == "FAILED": return CircuitStatus(StatusEnum.ERROR, task.metadata()["failureReason"]) elif state in ["CANCELLED", "CANCELLING"]: return CircuitStatus(StatusEnum.CANCELLED) elif state == "COMPLETED": self._update_cache_result( handle, _get_result( task, json.loads(target_qubits), dict(json.loads(measures)), want_state, want_dm, ppcirc, ), ) return CircuitStatus(StatusEnum.COMPLETED) elif state == "QUEUED" or state == "CREATED": return CircuitStatus(StatusEnum.QUEUED) elif state == "RUNNING": return CircuitStatus(StatusEnum.RUNNING) else: return CircuitStatus(StatusEnum.ERROR, f"Unrecognized state '{state}'")
@property def characterisation(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: node_errors = self._backend_info.all_node_gate_errors edge_errors = self._backend_info.all_edge_gate_errors readout_errors = self._backend_info.all_readout_errors if node_errors is None and edge_errors is None and readout_errors is None: return None return { "NodeErrors": node_errors, "EdgeErrors": edge_errors, "ReadoutErrors": readout_errors, } @property def backend_info(self) -> BackendInfo: return self._backend_info
[docs] @classmethod def available_devices(cls, **kwargs: Any) -> List[BackendInfo]: """ See :py:meth:`pytket.backends.Backend.available_devices`. Supported kwargs: - `region` (default None). The particular AWS region to search for devices (e.g. us-east-1). Default to the region configured with AWS. See the Braket docs for more details. - `aws_session` (default None). The credentials of the provided session will be used to create a new session with the specified region. Otherwise, a default new session will be created """ region: Optional[str] = kwargs.get("region") aws_session: Optional[AwsSession] = kwargs.get("aws_session") if aws_session is None: if region is not None: session = AwsSession(boto_session=boto3.Session(region_name=region)) else: session = AwsSession() else: if region is not None: session = aws_session.copy_session(region=region) else: session = aws_session.copy_session(region=aws_session.region) devices = session.search_devices(statuses=["ONLINE"]) backend_infos = [] for device in devices: aws_device = AwsDevice(device["deviceArn"], aws_session=session) if aws_device.type == AwsDeviceType.SIMULATOR: device_type = _DeviceType.SIMULATOR elif aws_device.type == AwsDeviceType.QPU: device_type = _DeviceType.QPU else: continue props = try: device_info = props["action"][DeviceActionType.JAQCD] supported_ops = set( op.lower() for op in device_info["supportedOperations"] ) singleqs, multiqs = cls._get_gate_set(supported_ops, device_type) except KeyError: # The device has unsupported ops or it's a quantum annealer continue arch, _ = cls._get_arch_info(props, device_type) characteristics = None if device_type == _DeviceType.QPU: characteristics = props["provider"] backend_info = cls._get_backend_info( arch, device["deviceName"], singleqs, multiqs, characteristics, ) backend_infos.append(backend_info) return backend_infos
[docs] def get_result(self, handle: ResultHandle, **kwargs: KwargTypes) -> BackendResult: """ See :py:meth:`pytket.backends.Backend.get_result`. Supported kwargs: `timeout` (default none), `wait` (default 1s). """ try: return super().get_result(handle) except CircuitNotRunError: timeout = cast(float, kwargs.get("timeout", 60.0)) wait = cast(float, kwargs.get("wait", 1.0)) # Wait for job to finish; result will then be in the cache. end_time = (time.time() + timeout) if (timeout is not None) else None while (end_time is None) or (time.time() < end_time): circuit_status = self.circuit_status(handle) if circuit_status.status is StatusEnum.COMPLETED: return cast(BackendResult, self._cache[handle]["result"]) if circuit_status.status is StatusEnum.ERROR: raise RuntimeError(circuit_status.message) time.sleep(wait) raise RuntimeError(f"Timed out: no results after {timeout} seconds.")
def _get_expectation_value( self, bkcirc: braket.circuits.Circuit, observable: Observable, target: QubitSet, n_shots: int, **kwargs: KwargTypes, ) -> np.float64: if not self.supports_expectation: raise RuntimeError("Backend does not support expectation") if ( n_shots < self._expectation_min_shots or n_shots > self._expectation_max_shots ): raise ValueError( f"n_shots must be between {self._expectation_min_shots} and " f"{self._expectation_max_shots}" ) restype = ResultType.Expectation(observable, target=target) bkcirc.add_result_type(restype) task = self._run(bkcirc, n_shots=n_shots, **kwargs) res = task.result() return res.get_value_by_result_type(restype) # type: ignore @property def supports_variance(self) -> bool: """ Whether the backend support calculation of operator variance """ return "Variance" in self._result_types @property def supports_probability(self) -> bool: """ Whether the backend support calculation of outcome probabilities """ return "Probability" in self._result_types @property def supports_amplitude(self) -> bool: """ Whether the backend support calculation of final state amplitudes """ return "Amplitude" in self._result_types def _get_variance( self, bkcirc: braket.circuits.Circuit, observable: Observable, target: QubitSet, n_shots: int, **kwargs: KwargTypes, ) -> np.float64: if not self.supports_variance: raise RuntimeError("Backend does not support variance") if n_shots < self._variance_min_shots or n_shots > self._variance_max_shots: raise ValueError( f"n_shots must be between {self._variance_min_shots} and " f"{self._variance_max_shots}" ) restype = ResultType.Variance(observable, target=target) bkcirc.add_result_type(restype) task = self._run(bkcirc, n_shots=n_shots, **kwargs) res = task.result() return res.get_value_by_result_type(restype) # type: ignore
[docs] def get_pauli_expectation_value( # type: ignore self, state_circuit: Circuit, pauli: QubitPauliString, n_shots: int = 0, valid_check: bool = True, **kwargs: KwargTypes, ) -> np.float64: """ Compute the (exact or empirical) expectation of the observed eigenvalues. See `pytket.expectations.get_pauli_expectation_value`. If `n_shots > 0` the probabilities are calculated empirically by measurements. If `n_shots = 0` (if supported) they are calculated exactly by simulation. Supported `kwargs` (not valid for local simulator): - `poll_timeout_seconds` (int) : Polling timeout for synchronous retrieval of result, in seconds (default: 5 days). - `poll_interval_seconds` (int) : Polling interval for synchronous retrieval of result, in seconds (default: 1 second). """ if valid_check: self._check_all_circuits([state_circuit], nomeasure_warn=False) bkcirc, _target_qubits, _measures = self._to_bkcirc(state_circuit) observable, qbs = _obs_from_qps(state_circuit, pauli) return self._get_expectation_value(bkcirc, observable, qbs, n_shots, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_operator_expectation_value( # type: ignore self, state_circuit: Circuit, operator: QubitPauliOperator, n_shots: int = 0, valid_check: bool = True, **kwargs: KwargTypes, ) -> np.float64: """ Compute the (exact or empirical) expectation of the observed eigenvalues. See `pytket.expectations.get_operator_expectation_value`. If `n_shots > 0` the probabilities are calculated empirically by measurements. If `n_shots = 0` (if supported) they are calculated exactly by simulation. Supported `kwargs` are as for `BraketBackend.get_pauli_expectation_value`. """ if valid_check: self._check_all_circuits([state_circuit], nomeasure_warn=False) bkcirc, _target_qubits, _measures = self._to_bkcirc(state_circuit) observable = _obs_from_qpo(operator, state_circuit.n_qubits) return self._get_expectation_value( bkcirc, observable, bkcirc.qubits, n_shots, **kwargs )
[docs] def get_pauli_variance( self, state_circuit: Circuit, pauli: QubitPauliString, n_shots: int = 0, valid_check: bool = True, **kwargs: KwargTypes, ) -> np.float64: """ Compute the (exact or empirical) variance of the observed eigenvalues. See `pytket.expectations.get_pauli_expectation_value`. If `n_shots > 0` the probabilities are calculated empirically by measurements. If `n_shots = 0` (if supported) they are calculated exactly by simulation. Supported `kwargs` are as for `BraketBackend.get_pauli_expectation_value`. """ if valid_check: self._check_all_circuits([state_circuit], nomeasure_warn=False) bkcirc, _target_qubits, _measures = self._to_bkcirc(state_circuit) observable, qbs = _obs_from_qps(state_circuit, pauli) return self._get_variance(bkcirc, observable, qbs, n_shots, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_operator_variance( self, state_circuit: Circuit, operator: QubitPauliOperator, n_shots: int = 0, valid_check: bool = True, **kwargs: KwargTypes, ) -> np.float64: """ Compute the (exact or empirical) variance of the observed eigenvalues. See `pytket.expectations.get_operator_expectation_value`. If `n_shots > 0` the probabilities are calculated empirically by measurements. If `n_shots = 0` (if supported) they are calculated exactly by simulation. Supported `kwargs` are as for `BraketBackend.get_pauli_expectation_value`. """ if valid_check: self._check_all_circuits([state_circuit], nomeasure_warn=False) bkcirc, _target_qubits, _measures = self._to_bkcirc(state_circuit) observable = _obs_from_qpo(operator, state_circuit.n_qubits) return self._get_variance(bkcirc, observable, bkcirc.qubits, n_shots, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_probabilities( self, circuit: Circuit, qubits: Union[Iterable[int], None] = None, n_shots: int = 0, valid_check: bool = True, **kwargs: KwargTypes, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the (exact or empirical) probability distribution of outcomes. If `n_shots > 0` the probabilities are calculated empirically by measurements. If `n_shots = 0` (if supported) they are calculated exactly by simulation. Supported `kwargs` are as for `BraketBackend.process_circuits`. The order is big-endian with respect to the order of qubits in the argument. For example, if qubits=[0,1] then the order of probabilities is [p(0,0), p(0,1), p(1,0), p(1,1)], while if qubits=[1,0] the order is [p(0,0), p(1,0), p(0,1), p(1,1)], where p(i,j) is the probability of qubit 0 being in state i and qubit 1 being in state j. :param qubits: qubits of interest :returns: list of probabilities of outcomes if initial state is all-zeros """ if not self.supports_probability: raise RuntimeError("Backend does not support probability") if ( n_shots < self._probability_min_shots or n_shots > self._probability_max_shots ): raise ValueError( f"n_shots must be between {self._probability_min_shots} and " f"{self._probability_max_shots}" ) if valid_check: self._check_all_circuits([circuit], nomeasure_warn=False) bkcirc, _target_qubits, _measures = self._to_bkcirc(circuit) restype = ResultType.Probability(target=qubits) bkcirc.add_result_type(restype) task = self._run(bkcirc, n_shots=n_shots, **kwargs) res = task.result() return res.get_value_by_result_type(restype) # type: ignore
[docs] def get_amplitudes( self, circuit: Circuit, states: List[str], valid_check: bool = True, **kwargs: KwargTypes, ) -> Dict[str, complex]: """ Compute the complex coefficients of the final state. Supported `kwargs` are as for `BraketBackend.process_circuits`. :param states: classical states of interest, as binary strings of '0' and '1' :returns: final complex amplitudes if initial state is all-zeros """ if not self.supports_amplitude: raise RuntimeError("Backend does not support amplitude") if valid_check: self._check_all_circuits([circuit], nomeasure_warn=False) bkcirc, _target_qubits, _measures = self._to_bkcirc(circuit) restype = ResultType.Amplitude(states) bkcirc.add_result_type(restype) task = self._run(bkcirc, n_shots=0, **kwargs) res = task.result() amplitudes = res.get_value_by_result_type(restype) cdict = {} for k, v in amplitudes.items(): # The amazon/sv1 simulator gives us 2-element lists [re, im]. # The local simulator gives us numpy.complex128. cdict[k] = complex(*v) if type(v) is list else complex(v) return cdict
[docs] def cancel(self, handle: ResultHandle) -> None: if self._device_type == _DeviceType.LOCAL: raise NotImplementedError("Circuits on local device cannot be cancelled") task_id = handle[0] task = AwsQuantumTask(task_id, aws_session=self._aws_session) if task.state() != "COMPLETED": task.cancel()