TKET Developer Blog

Welcome to the TKET developer blog. Here we will cover the development of the TKET quantum toolkit and related research topics.

  • Optimisation of Distributed Quantum Circuits - Pablo Andres-Martinez - 18 January

    As quantum computers scale up, their basic components grow farther apart, increasing the challenge of driving accurate interactions between them. Distributed quantum computing proposes a strategy that focuses on separation of concerns: first, engineer a quantum computer that performs reliably on the limited number of qubit it can manage and, then, produce multiple copies of it and connect them together to create larger devices. This strategy establishes two abstract levels of qubit interactions: within a single quantum computing module and between different modules. An efficient quantum circuit would use as few of the latter inter-module qubit interactions as possible, since those will be the main bottleneck of the computation.

  • Improved Controlled Gates in pytket - Callum Macpherson - 24 October

    Last week brought a new pytket 1.21.0 release! See the changelog for a rundown of all the new features and fixes. This blog will focus on improvements to controlled gates in pytket with the new ConjugationBox feature enabling some key circuit primitives to be implemented far more efficiently. There are also some improvements to how controlled gates are displayed in the circuit renderer.

  • September Release Notes (pytket) - Callum Macpherson - 08 September

    The September release brings typing improvements, custom control states in QControlBox, equality checking for pytket boxes and more.